Thursday, January 15, 2009

CoFFee !!

I am writing this blog on my way home, sitting on the last seat of my bus (office ka).I can’t do anything other than work / sleep in the bus with my best friend "MY IPOD" always on me. My sweet chit chat partner got married and her bus route has changed :). Struggled to take that pic.

Times have changed and so have things around. 2 months ago, I used to have the best of my friends (in office) around me. One by one each person departed, as they moved on to pursue what was good for them.

In office were- 4 of us, we got acquainted in Nov 07.
I will name our gang as "coffee talkies". (I made up this name, just to spice up the blog.We never had a "gang" and stuff)
As the name goes, we always used to meet up for coffee 2 times a day (at least 1ce).

Ahhh, those coffee breaks. I miss every bit of it. Everyday we had a topic to engage us in chit chatting the whole while, many a times bitch about people :D
It was quite a good stress buster. I enjoyed (so did all others) every sip of coffee we had.

Not to forget my PJs

Instance: This one - I am very famous for this-

Question: Whats up Sam?
Reply: Roof!!!
Again me: Sorry, bad joke!! :D
I am almost used to answering this way. Some times deliberately, but not always.
Such PJs just comes out of my mouth even if I don’t wanna make em.

Coming back to "coffee talkies". Once it boiled down to 2 from 4 people, I stopped having coffee.I won’t say I quit on coffee. I have had 5 cups of coffee from 25 Nov 08. When my mind stops working, a caffeine kick does the magic of gearing it up.



  1. Comment ?? Ahem ahem...mind is totally blank..don't know what to write...

    Does that mean its mind-blowing ?????

    NO :-P

  2. Female ....... !! oops

    I should say Lady :D

  3. @Dharmesh: Comment blog mein karo, mail mat maro yaar !!

    Hey Sammy,

    I can understand how much u miss ur coffee gang....

    There is always an oppurtunity to create a new gang....

    Remember : When ever there is a problem there is an oppurtunity....

  4. Hey sammy ...

    Hoping i am in ur "coffee gang" ;)

    I too miss our long coffee breaks .... useless talks .. yes ofcourse ur PJ's :)

    Woww beautiful were those day
